MAX/MSP, Laser cutting
Phonophobia _ Sound installation + Sound Visualization
Humans have their own fears in their minds. In particular, the fear of “Sound” strongly affects to human’s sensory organs since humans can imagine and over think everything when they hear invisible sound. The fear of sounds called “Phonophobia” can be a serious disease or unique urban symptom to people who live in urban areas. This project focuses on the human’s fear of urban noises and sounds, and suggests an amplifying object; this redesigned headphone with function of amplifying and exaggerating sounds will give new experiences to people by allowing them to recognize hugely loud urban noises around them. Paranoiac symptoms for the loud noises can address the existence of urban sounds and expand our sensory organs.
In this exhibition floor, there are 16 speakers in circular form, and each sound of speakers plays different urban noises. Also, wooden works of sound visualizations are attached on the three walls of gallery.
Phonophobia는 인간의 소리에 대한 민감함과 두려움을 극대화하여 그 소리를 포착하여 재조합한 작품이다. 녹음된 도시 속의 소음들은 16개의 스피커에서 재생이 되고 그 소음들은 새로운 형태로 재조합된다. 원형으로 배열된 스피커 설치작품 안에서는 우리 주변의 흔한 소리가 새롭게 들리는 경험을 갖게 된다. 또한 그 16개의 소리는 직관적으로 해석되어 시각화되었다. 라인드로잉으로 표현된 작품은 나무에 새겨져 전시되었다.
This work is the result of the Next Generation Design Leaders Programme which is supported by Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, Republic and Korea Institute of Design Promotion.
Official Exhibition

"Phonophobia" Solo Exhibition
Grad Gallery, EDA, UCLA Design Media arts, USA
May 6-7,2009
"Five" : Korean Young Artists 한인 젋은 작가전
Korean Culture Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 10-24, 2009
Videotage "One" : Yoon Chung Han's selected works with Erick Oh's animation
Videotage, No. 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd. To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, HK
August 25-28,2009 (Opening : Aug 25th 7pm)
The Fragments of Sound
(우)110-300 서울시 종로구 관훈동 106 창조빌딩 B1
Sep 9-15,2009 (Opening : Sep 9th 5pm)
AFK UCLA Design | Media arts 2nd Grad Exhibition
New Wight Gallery, Broad Art Center, UCLA 240 Charles E. Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Phonophobia(2009)_Sound Installations
by Yoon Chung Han
Supporter : Prof. Willem Henri Lucas , Paul Yarin.
Thanks to : Silvia Regon, Stephanie Adcock, Ramesh Srinivasan, DMA Grad 2010