One (2009)
Maya, Processing, Sensors, Arduino
One_ An Biological art Installation (Draft work)
'One' tries to immerse the viewer in fantasy through animation. The audience is presented with a small dish that contains a little spilled ink - what happens inside and around this drop of pigment?
If you look close enough, you can see that the ink is listening! The viewer assumes the role of a god; tapping, prodding, covering, blowing on and speaking to the ink induces complex and intricate responses. The microcosm that evolves from doodling both reflects and subverts the natural systems in which we live. The shapes that emerge are similar to shapes in plants, animals, and bacteria, but they avoid representation-they contest the work of biologists like Antonie van LeeuwenHoek and Ernst Haeckel This art installation tries to communicate the way we struggle with the natural world, trying to imagine something better and eventually conceding to failure. Our fate is a cause and effect of today's design environment. We create within in a vast network of programmers, researchers, theorists and artists who craft tools as indispensable structures for production. Working with graphics and rendering technologies provides immediate access to a communally developed visual language and encourages us to act as members of this community. What role does Adobe After Effects or Maya play in the human's ecosystem?
Selected Exhibition

Siggraph 2009 Art Gallery,
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, USA,
August 3-7,2009
Fig.1. One (2009) _ Still Images
One (2009) _ Installation Documentation
Fig.2. One (2009) Installation Floor Plan
Fig.3. One (2009) Installation Pictures
One (2009)_An Interactive Sound Installation
Concept, Interface Design, Physical Computing by
Yoon Chung Han
3D Animation, Programming by Gautam Rangan
Concept art, 2D Amination by Erick Oh