Processing, Photo Resistor Sensors(QRB1114), Arduino
Jellyfish_ An Interactive Musical Instrument
Jellyfish is an interactive sound installation. It’s an extended version of my previous work “Sound Marbles”, which can create the composition of sounds by simple interaction. Jellyfish uses the simplest way of interacting with objects to create sounds; it’s touching and covering holes by hands and that way of creating sounds was inspired by musical instruments. In order to make people enjoy musical performance and generating sounds, I apply the jellyfish shape for the output of this work, and sounds also remind one of deep-sea sound waves. Combination of musical instrument and sea organism can give inspiration and imagination to people that makes it enjoyable and fascinated. There are 48 holes on the surface of hemisphere, and each of holes represents a musical note. 48 musical notes are composed of 4 octaves, and all of sounds are recorded ones by MIDI. By covering the holes with hands, people can create the sound composition easily. 48 photo resistor sensors and LEDs are under the surface of it and it detects the distance between hands and sensors. All of sensors are connected to Arduino board, and processing program manages their data signals. Jellyfish는 인터렉티브 사운드 작업으로, 본인의 지난 작업인 “Sound Marbles”의 연장 작업이다. 손으로 구멍을 가리는 심플한 인터렉션 행위로서 각 구멍에 해당되는 음을 연주할 수 있다. 기존의 악기에서 영감을 얻어, 어려운 연주보다는 쉽게 음악을 연주하게끔 하는 것이 목적이다. 유기적인 반구의 형태와 바다 생명체의 형태감, 그리고 깊게 진동하는 음의 연주를 통해 사람들이 이 새로운 형태의 악기를 즐기기 바란다. |
This work is the result of the Next Generation Design Leaders Programme which is supported by Korean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, Republic and Korea Institute of Design Promotion.
Fig.1. Jellyfish Musical Instrument (2008) _ Output & Sensor Structure
Jellyfish (2008) _ Movie Documentation
Fig.2. Jellyfish Concept Sketch
Fig.3. Process 1 _ Photo Registor(QRB1114) Test with Arduino
Fig.4 Process 2 _ Making Structures (inside of hemisphere) and Output
Selected Exhibitions
4th Take away Festival of DIY Media 2009,
Dana Centre in London Science Museum, London, UK, May 19-30, 2009
"Five" : Korean Young Artists 한인 젋은 작가전
Korean Culture Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 10-24, 2009

Videotage "One" : Yoon Chung Han's selected works with Erick Oh's animation
Videotage, No. 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd. To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, HK
August 25-28,2009 (Opening : Aug 25th 7pm)

The Fragments of Sound
(우)110-300 서울시 종로구 관훈동 106 창조빌딩 B1
Sep 9-15,2009 (Opening : Sep 9th 5pm)
Jellyfish (2008)_An Interactive Sound Installation
Supporter : Prof. Christian Moeller