Data Sonification

First I created a source folder to store data in so that I can retrieve data from it later on. After creating a source folder named “Data” I created .txt documents filled with string data for me to upload. After successfully uploading a string array of data I had to break that data down into a more simplified and readable way.

I broke the data down step by step through a series of for loops so that it could run through each step logically. The first for loop stores all of the .txt data in an array and reads through. The second for loop uses “split” techniques to split the large string into individual words by splitting the words by its spaces. The 3rd for loops goes through all the words and then splits it further into individual letters.

Once I had all of the raw string data I could then later go in and turn it into noise! I tried to logically turn the random of assortments of sound data into something other than just a random assortment of noises. I organized all of the raw data into a way that it assigns the most common notes and octaves based on the popularity of the letter in the English language. If the letter was very popular like the letter “e”, “s”, or “I” I assigned it a note such as “E” , “C” or “G” and so on. Then interpreted the data so that the duration of the note or its length, would be reflected by the length of the word.

Finally, I created a way for the user to access a .txt document of their choice in the program rather than from the script. I simply made an empty string and then recorded the keys that the player pressed and once the player pressed “enter” it would submit the string to the upload function to retrieve the document of their choice. If the document isn’t present, the user if prompted with a message of “ the file does not exist”.

Code: Soure Code

Year: Fall 2014
Type: Data Sonification
Intro to Programming, Academy of Art University
Tools: Processing

Concept Design, Visual Development, User Experience Design: Jamie Geatano Sacco
Instructor: Yoon Chung Han