Color note 2 (2008)
Color note(2007)
Interactive Hats(2007)
Sound Marbles(2006)
3 Metronomes(2006)
5 Stories of Lights(2005)
Sound Marbles (2006)
Processing, Wiring, CDS Sensors, Pine
Sound Marbles _ A Tangible Interactive Sound Work
In this work, marbles are used as a metaphor for Sound Sequencing. Sounds vibrations of different frequencies are released by the marbles. When different frequencies of sounds are combined at different times, the marbles can create a new complex sounds or new sound compositions. Wooden housing is used to obtain the feeling of an analog instrument.
There are 8 holes on the board, each representing a different note. When a marble is placed over a hole, it releases a sound within a melody sequence. Sound Marbles are very intuitive, allowing for the performer to easily study new ways of creating and interacting with sound.
Sound Marbles are produced through the Processing language and Hernando Barragan's "Wiring"i/o board. Each hole in the wooden housing is equipped with a CDS sensor which triggers a sound when the amount of light changes.
2 day exhibition of Media art and Design from Seoul National University.
Date : FEB.14~FEB.15, 2007
Open : 10am~5pm
Opening Reception : FEB.14, 6~8pm
Suzung Kim, Jaegon Lee, Kyounghun Lim, Yoonjung Han, Sungjoo Park
Hosted by department of Design | MediaArts of UCLA, Moving Images |
Multi-media Lab of Seoul National UniversityUCLA Design | Media Arts
240 Charles E. Young Drive, suite 2275 Box 951456 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1456
HCI 2007 Creative Award
Date : FEB.5~FEB.7, 2007
Open : 9am~6pm
Topaz room ¥±,¥², convention center 3rd floor, Phoenix Park
Sound Marbles(2006) _An Individual Work
Supporter : Prof. Suzung,Kim
Special thanks to Daddy, Byeong-jun Han, Baby H
Copyright ¨Ï All rights reserved. YoonChung Han 2008