Color note 2 (2008)
Color note(2007)
Interactive Hats(2007)
Sound Marbles(2006)
3 Metronomes(2006)
5 Stories of Lights(2005)
Aigho (2004)
Macromedia Flash MX
Aigho _ Sensible Personal Therapy
Application for mobile communication devices
The application allows for individuals to: Measure their human auras.
Objectively view their own disposition and conditions.
View one's own condition history as data.
Communicate with others by exchanging therapies.
Search basic information on others, and providing appropriate therapy.
Induce self-therapy by providing appropriate therapies, based on
basic information, aura data, and effects of previous therapies.Aigho GUI
Expresses emotions based on the measured aura. Like a water painting for a therapeutic effect.
Aigho (Aura in the ghost) - Metaphor = The ghost
Work 1. Aigho UI (Mouse Roll Over & Click!)
Application to offline space
A perfect space for difficult communication
- providing space with a different atmosphere to enable those who are in bad terms to repair their relationship.
Creating new communication infra
- forging a sense of affinity and getting rid of stress by meeting and interacting with similar people.
Maximized therapy
- providing maximized therapy that mobile devices cannot provideExhibition_2004 Global Design Project
Date : AUG.27-AUG30, 2004
Open Reception : AUG.27, 2004.
Sadi Gallery.
"Self Expressism" To express yourself with Innovation concepts for mobile communication media
Aigho(2004) _ Team Project (Samsung Design Membership)
by UL Team (Kyung-jin Han, Seong-hyun Sung, Seong-hak Shin, Yeo-jin Moon, Mina Kwak, Yoon chung,Han)
Visual concept development & GUI Design by Yoon Chung Han
Copyright ¨Ï All rights reserved. YoonChung Han 2008